9107A is a 1- or 2-channel isolated 1:1 driver. Operation and drive control of I/P converters, valves and indicators.Operation of HART® devices is possible as the unit transmits HART® communication signals bi-directionally.The device can be mounted in and transmit signals to non-classified area and zone 2.The PR 4511/4501 displays the process value for each channel and can be used to define high and low limits for detection of loop current level. If these limits are exceeded, the status relay will activate.Dual channel versions can be used for signal splitter applications – 1 in and 2 out.
The PR 4511/4501 detachable display and the green and red front LEDs indicate operation status for each channel.A tag number can be defined for each channel.Output line fault detection.In the 1-channel version the status relay can be used as a simple limit switch.
The devices can be mounted vertically or horizontally without distance between neighbouring units.
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